




  • *HPP公司:高性能塑料公司
就电子领域而言, there is little or no growth outside advanced semiconductors in the semiconductor-related sector. 你们计划扩展什么产品?

(Shimizu) High adhesion releasable tapes boast demonstrable strengths as a process material for advanced semiconductors and are also actively used in power semiconductors. 除了, MLCC的库存调整基本上已经完成, and the pace of binder resin trends for both smartphone and automotive applications is essentially returning to normal. 这些产品将推动非lcd领域的增长.


(Shimizu) Biotape的销售额从2022财年到2023财年增长了约10-15%. 十大赌博娱乐平台还将努力确保2024财年的增长. While build-up dielectric film sales struggled in FY2023 owing to the extremely modest recovery in semiconductors, we will focus on coordinating closely with multiple customers and will endeavor to steadfastly expand sales in the future.

Turning to the 流动性 field, can you elaborate on the revised definition for N-HPP?

(Shimizu) 隔音 films are excluded from conventional high-performance interlayer films and going forward, 新的高性能产品将包括所有其他HUD, 隔热, 和彩色/设计电影.

While substantial in FY2023, HUD film growth in FY2024 is expected to be small. Is it safe to assume that this simply reflects sales trends in models equipped with HUDs and not weak growth potential over the medium to long term?

(Kato)完全. 十大赌博娱乐平台认为中长期增长潜力没有变化. 与十大赌博娱乐平台最初的中长期预测相比, 而十大赌博娱乐平台看到电动汽车部分转向混合动力汽车, 对与电动汽车相同设计功能的需求非常强烈. 因此,十大赌博娱乐平台预计总体上影响很小或没有影响.


(清水)虽然所有地区都在增长, 十大赌博娱乐平台相信中国, 拥有大量的电动汽车, 在可预见的未来,欧洲将是主要市场.

There are reports that 中国 and 欧洲 are struggling a little in the short term. 当你从事商业活动时,你有什么感觉?

(清水)当时只有900万到900万.5 million EVs produced globally in FY2022, this level has surpassed 12 million in FY2023. 尽管有传言称电动汽车市场正在放缓, we recognize that production levels have dropped by just under 1 million from the original forecast of 13 million. As the specifications for glass expand to prevent excessive roof pressure, we are witnessing a substantial jump in the use of the Company’s interlayer films.

关于固定成本的增加, can you provide us with specific details of expenditures in connection preparation for growth and efforts to strengthen the business foundation outside the human capital investment outlined in the presentation materials.

(Shimizu) The incremental increase attributable to the upswing in personnel is approximately ¥1.除了4亿日元外,还有50亿日元.40亿美元的工资和工资增长. The incremental depreciation and amortization expense is approximately ¥1 billion. 与增长准备有关的费用共计2元.50亿至30亿日元用于开发和营销. 夯实业务基础, the Company plans to spend about ¥2 billion for the maintenance of facilities, 包括防灾和安全. This breakdown totals approximately ¥7 billion and is outside our human capital investment. However, this incremental growth in expenditure will be handled firmly in line with profits.


As far as plans for the number of orders by type of construction in FY2024 are concerned, what is the relationship between the 105% year-on-year increase in new construction (land client arrangement), 游客数量回升, 以及新产品的推出, 以及确定性的程度?

(Yoshida) Although 105% may seem high, it is still low compared with FY2022. This is an achievable plan if trends remain at the same level as the 4Q of FY2023. A portion of the profits generated by measures aimed at strengthening profitability will be allocated to product and sales strategies. 例如, allocations will be directed toward the development of products and price measures that meet the demand in each area. This includes single-story homes and apartment buildings in suburban areas, and such high-end products as three-story homes and apartment buildings in urban areas, 哪里有强劲的需求, 尤其是在东京市区. 还将以促销投资的形式进行拨款, 包括展览翻新, 目的是增加房屋订单.
The number of exhibition visitors has recovered to 106% of the previous year's level in the 4Q of FY2023. 十大赌博娱乐平台相信这将直接导致2024财年的订单.

根据中期管理计划, 你们的目标是在2025财年实现400亿日元的营业利润目标. 当前的措施在线吗?? 明年还需要额外的措施吗?

(Yoshida) Currently, efforts to implement measures aimed at strengthening profitability are underway.
There is still some distance to the ¥40 billion operating profit Medium-term Management Plan target. 在这一点上,十大赌博娱乐平台的目标是400亿日元,延期一年.



(Kato) In light of the slightly stricter view adopted toward our own market forecasts, 总体而言,该计划是保守的. We are factoring in a buffer with respect to the risk of the yen’s appreciation.

Looking at progress under the Medium-term Management Plan, strategic investments came in at ¥22.2022财年为1000亿美元. 与《十大赌博娱乐平台》规定的限额相比,这个数字显得很低. 你能告诉十大赌博娱乐平台投资进展如何吗?

(加藤)对付M&一个等. 上限为3000亿日元. Despite plans to undertake an annual average of ¥50 billion over the three years of plan for total capital expenditures of ¥150 billion, several projects have been postponed until FY2024 and beyond due to the slow recovery in market conditions. We expect the market to exhibit a gradual recovery especially from the second half of FY2024 and intend to engage steadily in several projects, 包括各种各样的努力, 包括增长项目和产能扩张.


(Nishida) In the event that a substantial amount of the investment limit remains unused as of the end of the Medium-term Management Plan, 十大赌博娱乐平台会考虑各种方案, 包括给股东的额外回报, 这取决于当时的股价等广泛的因素.

Plans are in place for the Company to increase its dividend for FY2024 by ¥1 per share. Is there any room to strengthen returns to shareholders while the current level of profits continues?

西田:就股息而言, 公司承诺派息率为40%或更高. 如果它的底线出现上行波动, the Company will take steps to definitively increase its dividend equivalent to a 40% ratio and ensure a total return ratio of 50% or higher. 十大赌博娱乐平台的政策是提供额外的回报, 包括收购财政部股份, 考虑到公司的现金状况和股票价格.

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