SEKISUI 化学 Group’s New Long-term Vision “2030年愿景”

关井化工有限公司.有限公司. (Head Office: Osaka City; President and Representative Director: Keita Kato; hereinafter, “SEKISUI 化学”) has formulated its long-term vision “2030年愿景” until fiscal 2030 as given below so as to continue sustainable growth through innovation amid the expectation of significant changes in social issues going forward.

SEKISUI 化学 Group Long-term Vision “2030年愿景”

1. 概述

The SEKISUI 化学 Group has set its vision statement as “创新 for the Earth” which embodies the strong desire to 支持生命 infrastructure and create “peace of mind that continues into the future” toward the realization of a sustainable society by continuing to generate innovation. For all generations including those of the future, the Group will create and provide peace of mind and the values (such as comfort, 弹性, 聪明的, and health) that derives from it through products and services that enhance sustainability. 为了实现这个目标, the SEKISUI 化学 Group defined four 业务 domains of residential (housing), 先进的生命线(社会基础设施), innovative mobility (electronics/mobility), 生命科学(健康和医学).

通过业务增长, 改革与创新, 以ESG管理为中心, the SEKISUI 化学 Group will expand contribution to solving social issues, and aim for two trillion yen in sales and 10% or higher in operating income ratio in fiscal 2030.

SEKISUI 化学 Group Long-term Vision “2030年愿景”

2. 方向(目标)和成长图像

The SEKISUI 化学 Group will increase sales by approximately 1.5 to 3 times and transform into an attractive corporate group with diverse growth engines and a strong presence by expanding contributions through 业务 to the environment and society in each domain.


SEKISUI 化学 Group Long-term Vision “2030年愿景”


The SEKISUI 化学 Group will accelerate overseas expansion in each domain and aim to expand sales to one trillion yen in 日本 and one trillion yen overseas in fiscal 2030 (sales in fiscal 2019: 854.60亿日元在日本,274.海外70亿日元).


在这四个领域, the SEKISUI 化学 Group will undertake innovations extending from core technologies based on its prominent technological capabilities. 它将创建新的域, 支持生命, and pursue the creation of “peace of mind that continues into the future” by continuing to generate innovation.

SEKISUI 化学 Group Long-term Vision “2030年愿景”

3. Approach to Expansion of Sustainable Contribution

To realize a sustainable society, we are required to maintain sustainable management. 在这种情况下, we will continue profitable growth by contributing to solving social issues by enhancing our "ability to contribute to solving social issues" and "ability to create profits" which we have been working on, and aim to expand our sustainable contribution by establishing a new "management ability to sustain 业务".

基于这三个优势, we will advance innovation and creation 以ESG管理为中心 to achieve sustainable growth for SEKISUI 化学 Group and increase the sustainability of society.

SEKISUI 化学 Group Long-term Vision “2030年愿景”

4. 积极主动的投资

The SEKISUI 化学 Group will expand proactive investment to double its 业务. 下 新的中期管理计划”开2022", which leads to "Accelerate preparations for the next stage of growth" in the long-term vision, we have set an investment limit of 500 billion yen, an increase of 300 billion yen from the previous medium-term. A cumulative total of over two trillion yen in investment for growth and R&D expenses is expected to be undertaken between fiscal 2020 and fiscal 2030 while paying attention to being financially sound and improving the probability of getting returns.


Headquartered in 日本, 关井化工有限公司.有限公司. (TSE: 4204) and its subsidiaries make up the SEKISUI 化学 Group. 27,000 employees in over 200 companies throughout 21 countries aim to contribute to improving the lives of the people of the world and the earth’s environment. 这要归功于创新的历史, 奉献和开拓精神, SEKISUI 化学 now holds leading positions in its three diverse 业务 divisions as well as top global market share in interlayer film, 泡沫产品, 导电颗粒等.
自1947年成立以来, the SEKISUI 化学 Group has dedicated itself to social and environmental contribution and is now an internationally recognized leader in sustainability and environmental initiatives, having recently been selected as one of the 全球 100 most sustainable companies. SEKISUI 化学 Group will continue to maintain a strong corporate presence for 100 years and beyond.




This press release may contain forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements are based on current expectations and beliefs and are subject to a number of factors and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such statements due to changes in global economic, 业务, competitive market and regulatory factors.